The Joy of the Lord is Our Strength

In the midst of some of that hardest moments in our family's life. My little sister got married. In the midst of pain we found a moment to celebrate and enjoy her special day.
What does it mean to find joy in the pain and dance in the rain?
The smiles and joy caught in this picture, doesn't tell you how hard we fought to know the true meaning of the verse "The joy of the Lord is our Strength."
Life throws us so many curveballs and we can be enjoying the precious moments with love and laughter, and life will turn on a dime…time keeps on spinning can’t stop it even if you try.
Having these two people in my life brings me assurance that through heartache and pain we can make it through all of it and smile anyway.
These past few years, we have endured loss of loved ones which seems to happen more frequently lately, along with so many other trials. It could be easy to think that we have been forsaken or being punished.
BUT God said that he will never leave us nor forsake us. He has a plan to bring us hope and a future.
He gives us the peace that passes all understanding. We don’t need to be anxious and worry about anything. We can cast our cares on him, be still and know.
Know what? Just know that there isn’t a moment in our life that has been carefully thought out.
We can rest assure that everything will be ok if we just trust in the Lord.
Thinking about this, and writing this journal today...I can honestly say that we have made it through every single bad day of our lives, and everything is going to be alright.
That is what my mother grounded in me. That is how I can; in turn be there for others the way Jesus was there for everyone in the world.
That is the way my mother is there for me and her loved ones.
I love my family. I love my husband and children. I will show up for people even when I am struggling, because I know who’s I am, and where my strength comes from. I don't go through anything alone, and I want to encourage others that they don't have to feel alone as well.
I am thankful for my mother and my sister and the village that helped my mother raise us and continues to help me raise my children.
We learned that with faith hope and love we can find joy and that is where our strength comes from.
That is why we are able to keep moving forward and still be good (not perfect Moms) for our children.
Our smiles don’t always come so easy. Oh boy, there are things that happen that some may call tragic.
If we only dwell on the “bad” things we are going to miss out on the “good” things.
Don’t forget the bad, learn and grow from those situations. It will help us to remember how little we actually need to be content and happy. I know people with lots of money who don't know what joy is, because it is not something you can buy. Joy is something that can dwell in you if you allow it.
Don’t forget the good. Don't let the trials make you forget that good things can still happen. Don't feel guilty for finding joy through the pain. I know people that don't have a lot of money, yet they are talented, smart and generous with their time, as well as joyful. They are complete blessings wherever they go, and it doesn't cost them anything.
Actions are always greater than intentions.
Be the one that shows up for people in ways that they will remember nothing you said, but how you made them feel.
Don’t let it end there, help others see the rainbow too.
Love never fails.
Love never ends.
That's what my Mom taught me.
Happy Mother’s Day.